Adobe Creative MeetUp

Adobe Creative MeetUp

When American software company Adobe held their Creative MeetUp in Dresden, Germany, Nordwerk Design created the backdrop for the event, together with the creative agency CROMATICS.

Due to the tight schedule at the event location, the time window for the installation of this structure was only 36 hours. With that in mind, the design of this 12 m long (40 feet) structure was optimized for quick assembly. One challenge was the engineering, since no part of the structure was allowed to touch or hang from the truss. At the same time lighting made it nearly impossible to move the truss, which led to an extensive planing process.

Since all design, engineering and production is happening in-house at Nordwerk Design, we were able to create a solution that enabled us to install the structure within the available 36 hours without any compromises on the look and feel of it. This way we were able to create an unforgettable experience for our client, partners and all guest of the Adobe Creative MeetUp.